Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Michèle Callard The Sand Vines #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalRomance #FamilySaga #BelleEpoque #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @cathiedunn
Michèle Callard The Sand Vines #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalRomance #FamilySaga #BelleEpoque #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @cathiedunn
FEATURED AUTHOR: MICHÈLE CALLARD I‘m delighted to introduce Michèle Callard as the featured author in The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour, held between June 3rd –  7th, 2024. Michèle Callard is the author of the Historical Fiction, The Sand Vines (The Vine Saga Series), released by Millefeuille Press on 01 May 2024 (400 pages). Below are highlights of The Sand Vines, Michèle Callard’s author bio, and an excerpt from her book. Tour Schedule Page: HIGHLIGHTS: THE SAND VINES   The Sand Vines (The Vine Saga Series) By Michèle Callard Blurb: Bordeaux 1870 – Life is hard on the...
Linnea Tanner
#BelleEpoque #BlogTour #FamilySaga #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalRomance #MichèleCallard #TheCoffeePotBookClub #TheVineSaga

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