Monday, June 3, 2024

Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings, #Norsewomen, #Shieldmaidens
Author Interview Johanna Wittenberg #Vikings, #Norsewomen, #Shieldmaidens
AUTHOR INTERVIEW JOHANNA WITTENBERG I am excited to feature Johanna Wittenberg—the author of the best-selling The Norsewomen series. I became acquainted with Johanna’s work when I reviewed The Queen of Hel (Book 5) and The Queen of War (Book 6) for the Historical Novel Society (HNS). Johanna is a masterful storyteller reminiscent of the oral traditions of skalds retelling Nordic mythological tales and legends. The saga sweeps you into the adventures of the seafaring Vikings and depicts their religious beliefs and culture. Battle scenes and mythical realms of the afterlife are riveting and cinematic in scope. Johanna graciously accepted my...
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#AuthorInterviewJohannaWittenberg #historicalfantasy #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalNorse&IcelandicFiction #JohannaWittenberg #Norse&VikingMyth&Legend #Shieldmaidens #VikingsNorsewomen

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